Vol.3, Iss. 1 | September 2021
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
You know that feeling. You get up one September morning, and suddenly, it “feels like fall. “ What exactly does “feel like fall” mean? It means that after those long, hot summer days, you can breathe in the fresh air, take lovely walks in the evening, plant your fall garden, go to football games, decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving, buy pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, light up fall candles…and the list goes on and on! I guess you could say that we feel recharged!RGV LEAD feels that same excitement as we head into the fall season, and we invite you to be a part of it!
Join RGV LEAD fall activities like the Fall Ambassador Leadership Conference, Education & Career EXPO, and the first-ever “Shooting for Success” skeet shoot. Enjoy the crisp air and start the new school life over again!