Vol. 2, Iss. 4 | December 2020
The RGV LEAD Texas Regional Pathways Network team (TRPN) met with the North and South District teams to collaborate on ways to engage students in work-based learning (WBL) experiences. The three North TRPN districts, including Lasara, San Isidro, and San Perlita, focus on agricultural welding pathways. The three South TRPN districts, comprised of La Feria, Rio Hondo, and Santa Rosa, concentrated on the construction, health science, and renewable energy pathways.During the December 1st Zoom meeting, the six school districts were introduced to new ways to “think outside the box” when planning WBL experiences. Whereas the trend once was that students reported to a work site for the experience, the districts were informed that job shadowing, mentorships, internships, interactive video conferences, practicums, capstone projects, and other work-related activities with proper documentation could be counted as work-based learning for the TRPN project.Unique to the TRPN video meetings is that business and higher education partners are actively engaged in the sessions and can offer suggestions on how to utilize their partnerships to help many students achieve the work-based learning experience. The TRPN districts will reconvene in January for their next meeting with the RGV LEAD intermediary team, Jobs for the Future, and the Texas Education Agency.
Lasara Superintendent Alejo Salazar, Jr. shares his thoughts on work-based learning in his district.Pictured below are the chat room activities the TRPN members were engaged in while in the chat rooms. Members returned to share their findings. There will be continued discussions on practical ways to apply work-based learning experiences during this pandemic period that meet the TRPN requirements.