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RGV LEAD Supports Business Professionals of America

Dawn Quinn

Vol. 2, Iss. 5 | January 2021

Pictured:  Judges for BPA Podcastcompetition. (Bottom Left) Karla Salinas,Edinburg High School Accounting Teacherand BPA sponsor serve as facilitators.

RGV LEAD partners with districts across the Rio Grande Valley to provide educational support, business and education information, leadership training, and other education-related activities. RGV LEAD staff members can also serve on various districts’ CTE Advisory boards.

The close bond that RGV LEAD has with the RGV enables district representatives to pick up the phone or email to request additional services. Such was the case

when PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM Academy Capstone teacher, Yvonne Chamblin (pictured right), asked if RGV LEAD would be willing to serve as a judge for the Regional Business Professionals of America competition, which includes students from Donna to Roma. After all, judging would not be exclusive to PSJA but would

help all the BPA’s in the Valley. Needless to say, RGV LEAD accepted the offer and served as a judge for the Podcast competition.

Janie Johnston Lopez represented RGV LEAD. She said of the event, “It was delightful to hear these young leaders create a podcast on the pros and cons of virtual learning. They presented ideas from different perspectives. These dedicated learners shared not only what students are going through but also what teachers are experiencing. I truly enjoyed the BPA judging.”

Mrs. Chamblin, who has nine students going on to the next level of competition, added, “All winners from the event will continue to State competition in March, and if they advance, they will compete in Nationals in March. RGV LEAD wishes all winners continued success in the upcoming BPA competition!

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