June 2022 | Vol.3, Iss. 10
Luis Rodriguez, RGV LEAD Executive Director, and Dr. Norma Salaiz, RGV LEAD contractor for Texas Regional Pathways Network intermediary team, attended the Jobs for the Future (JFF) Horizons 2022 Conference in New Orleans as part of their work with RGV LEAD’s Pathway to Prosperity programs.
Stakeholders from the nation gathered to share emerging trends and issues impacting students’ successful transition to postsecondary and the workplace. The sessions were informative and had plenty of networking opportunities. ~ Luis Rodriguez
I’m blessed to still work with RGV LEAD on the TEA/JFF Pathways to Prosperity initiative serving 12 RGV districts. I’ve spent the last few days attending their Jobs for the Future – Horizons 2022 Conference in New Orleans. Stakeholders from nationwide gathered to share emerging trends and issues impacting students’ successful transition to postsecondary and the workplace. I am always excited to collaborate with other leaders attempting to make a positive difference. ~ Norma Salaiz
The duo, Eliza Groff, Janie Johnston Lopez, and the rest of the TRPN intermediary team look forward to sharing new ideas and best practices with TRPN and RGV LEAD partners.
Everything that matters truly to us are things we can’t do on our own,” said keynote speaker Heather McGhee, author of The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. It’s that collective problem solving that is harmed most when some of our best players are left on the sidelines” due to racist practices, policies, and systems.
Larry Miller
Where this country is today, there’s an incredible need for more talent, more creativity, more intelligence, and a lot of that is being wasted away inside prisons and penitentiaries. For businesses and companies who understand that opportunity and get out ahead of it, I think that’s going to be a major benefit for them in the long run. ~ Larry Miller
Christina Haasan
You need to recognize that students are humans first. Before they decided to take on the title of student, they were moms, dads, employees, individuals with lives. And being a student just makes it that much more complicated. ~ Christina Haasan
The value of relationships and connections—data-sharing partnerships, casual mentorships, formal collaboration, and opportunities for people to create networks and build social capital—was critical to systems and individual transformation. Michael Baston, the president of Rockland Community College, offered succinct advice: Partner or Perish.