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Texas Regional Pathways Network Partners Meeting of the Minds

Dawn Quinn

Vol. 2, Iss. 3 | November 2020

Partnerships between 6 local education agencies, Jobs for the Future, TEA, and RGV LEAD, continue to flourish and are full steam ahead!

The Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) consist of La Feria, Lasara, San Isidro, San Perlita, and Santa Rosa. These outstanding school districts actively participate in the regional pathways in health science, renewable energy, and welding. The LEAs will engage in reverse mapping from industry to post-secondary to K-12. They will participate in the co-design and development of a regional work-based learning (WBL) continuum that provides opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills in realistic settings. The pathways will include advanced academics and are consistent with the state’s approved programs of study.

Teachers will be provided with training opportunities that align with industry needs. Students and their families will be educated on the meaning and value of labor market information, allowing them to participate more fully in college and career decisions.RGV LEAD serves as the intermediary contact and assists in collaborating with higher education partners to create pathways with multiple entries and exit points. In addition, RGV LEAD is actively engaged in recruiting business partners for the school districts in their respective Texas Regional Pathways Network (TRPN).During the meetings with the TRPN districts, grant goals and intended outcomes were discussed, and the higher education partners’ roles in TRPN were clarified. The group united to discuss the higher education opportunities and challenges presented by the institutions’ proximity to the six partnering districts and the pandemic constraints. Additionally, work-based learning (WBL) opportunities such as job shadowing, internships, virtual mentorships, practicums, and other methods of connecting students with the world of work were explored.Thinking outside the box has become more critical to the success of WBL and all school programs. The TRPN teams will continue to meet regularly each month to ensure the program’s success.

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