Vol.2, Iss. 2 | October 2020
The RGV LEAD Texas Regional Pathways Network (TRPN) team met with Derek Niño, an associate director at Jobs for the Future, and Amanda Longtain, a Work-Based Lear
ning (WBL)
Specialist at TEA, to continue discussing employer partnerships with the TRPN grant schools.The schools are: La Feria, Lasara, Rio Hondo, San Isidro, San Perlita, and Santa Rosa. The goal is to help partners create, expand, and increase access to work-based learning opportunities.The team will focus on developing pathways that lead to high-skill, in-demand, family-sustaining careers and educational options. They will continue to reach out to businesses in the areas that can partner with schools in specifically targeted occupation pathways such as welding and health services.Business partners will receive technical support and assistance to help them create and align the desired pathways. The TRPN Regional team will meet in November 2020 to continue fine-tuning the TRPN grant.Pictured below: TRPN Team members